Isabella Di Fabio Secret Andstory of a programmer

isabella di fabio

Secret And story of a good programmer

Isabella Di Fabio Secret story of a good programmer – Imagine that you want to be a programmer, or that being a programmer, someone warns you about what it means to be a good developer.

What do you think they would tell you? In this article I will list.


Isabella Secret And Story about a good programmer

Isabella Di Fabio - Good Programmer

Imagine that you want to be a programmer, or that being a programmer. Someone warns you about what it means to be a good developer.

What do you think they would tell you? In this article I will list.

Isabella Di Fabio explain us the Secret Story about 7 qualities of a good programmer.

Although obviously I may miss one and you can go on to comment in the comments section if you see fit.

Therefore She is an expert in a good programming and web coding, in addition to being an excellent designer. Recognized for the exclusivity of her web pages.

This time she mentions 7 qualities that are essential for her in a web good programmer, take note!

However Do you like learning new things? Would you like to know how to be a good programmer?, Have you always liked learning? Because one thing

I can guarantee you about working in the field of software programming is that you spend your life constantly learning and implementing new things.

Constant Learning

Every few years you need to upgrade and learn a set of new skills. This is not optional. it is mandatory!

For example You can only avoid this ongoing training process if you find a very specialized and closed niche. Otherwise you will be training your entire professional life.

If you find it difficult to learn new things and you do not conceive that training is a means to an end. DO NOT go into software development. Training is a constant in this work.


You must have patience, but in the sense of working methodically with a problem for days, weeks and even months. It’s not so much about chopping and chopping code until something works.

Good software developers and good programmers in general don’t spend the day writing code until the program works. Says Isabella Di Fabio.

Phased planning

Are you able to think in phases? Can you break a problem down into smaller and more detailed parts? This way of thinking that goes from the general plane to the smallest parts deconstructed logically is essential.

Isabella Secret And Story of Creativity

Isabella di Fabio - Good Programmer

Taking work as a game is something that Isabella Di Fabio does, she tells us that it is important not to give up and to have the will to look for solutions when things are not working well at all.

Isabella Secret Story 6 From their point of view, that willingness to take the learning process as a game is the main difference between people who see software development work as tiresome wear and tear and people who enjoy the challenges of work.

However They have fun «winning the next phase» as a video game.

Above all Creative skills tend to help us work with abstract concepts permeate software.

Don’t delude yourself

It is very important to be very honest with yourself. The biggest trap that rookie developers and middle programmers fall into is making too many assumptions or conjectures.

About the problem they have to solve without asking and inquiring to find out if they’re on the right track.

As you gain experience, you give more importance to this aspect. But You don’t know where your limits are until you have crossed them.

Isabella Secret AND  Story of Mental resistance

Likewise Software development and programming is mentally challenging. People who do not work in this field see that wages and working conditions are above average and want a piece of the pie.

What they don’t see is the tangle of things you have to master to be able to work in this field:

For Example development tools, networks, hardware, server administration, databases, markup languages, scripts, communication protocols, numerous desktop applications and cloud

In addition to all the job skills you need to be part of a company and be able to function.

Isabella Di Fabio – 2020

Isabella di Fabio Web Design and Laptops


In conclusion They started with free calls between users of the application and now they want to go a step further. Allowing video calls with a service similar to Skype or Hangouts.